Two (2) Original Duck Duck Speaks!
We are giving the #duckduckjeep community a new way to communicate with one another, whether it's complimenting their ride, something about yourself or a motivational message. We can't wait to hear what you come up with.
Each of our ducks have a 30 second limit to record your own personalized message. Once you have ducked someone they can keep it or easily re-record and pass it on to another Jeep owner. The possibilities are endless!
Please note our ducks are selected at random. If you have a specific color please email us and we will try to accomodate requests wherever possible.
Share your messages and reactions with us on TikTok, Insta and Facebook @duckduckspeak
Two (2) Original Duck Duck Speaks
- Product Dimensions: 2 x 2 x 2.3 inches
- Product weight: 22 ounces
- Assembled and shipped from USA.